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Ravi’s Letter

Hi Ranjini,

Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy. I hope you celebrate his birth as much as you can and enjoy the time with your 2 kids. I believe that detaining individuals on high risk assessment without giving the actual reasons out in the public is not fair. I feel really sorry for your situation and hope these letters and the pressure from the people all over the world will put enough pressure on the Australian government to release you!

Regards, Ravi H

Charles and Camille’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

My wife and I would like to congratulate you and your husband on the good news. We are really sorry that you are being treated in this way by the people who represent us, so very sorry. We hope that your story will help more people to relate to the inhumane conditions our policies are inflicting on people like you, so that the policies can be changed as soon as possible.

Kind regards, Charles and Camille

Prince’s Letter

Hello, I am from Tamil Nadu,India.I just read about Ranjini’s case in cnn’s website. It is sad and unfortunate. I saw people holding “signs” in support for Ranjini. People like them give me hope that there is still love in this world. It makes me forget about my race or nationality. May God bless those people and give enough strength to Ranjini, to pass through these hard times.

An Anonymous Letter

I’m an African, proud and happy to be one ! I have heard and read about Ranjini all the way from Kenya and I will make sure I do my part to share Ranjini’s story with the rest of the world ! until she is freed !!!! FREE RANJINI ! EVERY CHILD IS BORN FREE !

Marie’s Letter

Dear Ranjini, Ganesh and Paari,

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful boy! We are about to have a little boy ourselves and I cannot imagine experiencing the hardship you have had to during your pregnancy and birth of Paari. You are a strong and courageous woman! We are praying for you and your family and hope to see you and others experience freedom as soon as possible!! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


Katie’s Letter

Dear Ranjini

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby! Anybody who has had the experience of meeting an innocent child whose life has been affected by war, or the parents who have risked their lives trying to give their children a better one, will never stand for what this country is doing.

Health and happiness to you and your family. What you’re doing is an absolutely incredible feat of human strength!

All the very best, Katie.

Ron’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

It is with delight and sadness that I write this letter. Firstly, congratulations on the birth of your child. I hope they have a rich and rewarding life as an Australian. Seconly, as an Australian I am saddened, shamed and disappointed in my government that they keep you and your child in detention. I hope that one day in the very near future you are allowed to join the rest of your family in the Australian community. When this happens I will be quietly pleased and in a moment of reflection will wish you and your loved ones all the very best.

Ron Brown