Cheryl’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

I am sorry that you have been treated so badly by Australian Authorities. I feel ashamed that the country I love so much would have laws that allow the imprisonment of people, any people, who have not been given their day in court. Please give your babies a hug for me and tell them I am sorry they are locked up.

While I hope to goodness you are not a threat to our country and if you are, then it is right you are locked up after your day in court. I do not believe that the children are a threat and it is wrong for them to be imprisoned. We are saddled with a legal system that has had its hands tied so severely on so many issues by government authorities it makes one think that our legal system is only for some people. It is obviously not for all people.

I would like to ask for justice for you, but there is not really any such thing as justice, just our hand-tied legal system. Hang in there and know that there are people thinking of you and wanting to change what is happening to so many people.
