
UPDATE: We have had confirmation from the High Court that the findings will be handed down at 2:15pm Friday October 5.

This Friday we believe the High Court  will hand down its findings on David Manne’s challenge to indefinite detention. 

It has been over 4 months since Ranjini was first taken into the Villawood Detention Centre. After 4 months of relentless campaigning, hundreds of letters and cards and countless sharing of Ranjini’s story – 7 people will now decide on the legality of indefinite detention.

Although this case does not directly concern Ranjini – the finding will establish a precedent which will have an impact on her freedom.

Of course, regardless of what the court says – Ranjini and her family, as well as the other 50+ people in her situation, still need us.

They need us to be loud – they need us to convince our leaders that Australia can be better than this. 

This Friday – all of Ranjini’s supporters must be louder than ever!

This Friday is Freedom Friday. 

Use your voice, use social media and traditional media to send a message. Tell your friends that their Government is locking up innocent people without trial. Call a radio station, write a newspaper, make a Youtube video.

We will be Tweeting and sharing your Freedom Friday efforts all week.

#FreedomFriday – Australia can be better than this. 

Those with legal training may find the case transcripts interesting – they can be read here.