Dear Ranjini, Ganesh and cute as a button Partheespan.
Congratulations on the birth of Partheespan. He is adorable. Well done Ranjini big effort. I have also noted that the continual attachment between Partheespan and his father is being interfered with by DIAC. I want you to know Ranjini from one mother to another mother in this very vulnerable time as a woman, that we will work to bring you together as a family and will not stop until we have returned this natural birthright to your little boy. To have both his parents by his side, in uninterrupted, continual attachment. Till then Ranjini hold him close by your side at night and feel the support of those who admire you and welcome you with open arms to this land. He will grow to be another of your beautiful children and your pride and joy.
Ranjini and Ganesh my heart felt congratulations to you both.
Lou Dingle
Attachment therapist/ Refugee advocate.