Everyone who has supported this campaign, pushed for an end to indefinite detention or just wants to live in a more welcoming Australia – we need you now.
Thanks to your efforts in The House, we now know that there are at least two people standing for re-election who want to continue indefinite detention. The Chief Opposition Whip, Warren Entsch, has even advocated removing the review process (read the full letter here).
Now, we know that there are some people that we will never convince to care about refugees – but we also know that there a lot of people who don’t care much for politics – people who will vote for whoever’s name they remember – those are the people we are targeting.
This is not a negative campaign – there is no point attacking people who disagree – what we can do is celebrate the candidates who put a premium of humanity, we can run the most positive campaign in Australian history.
We need you to be involved in the celebration campaign – in each seat, we need artists, musicians, web designers, campaigners. We need creative people to throw and join celebrations around Australia to make sure people remember the names of candidates who care about human rights. Create art, throw a party, hold an egg and spoon race in a park – the aim is to have as much fun as possible, whilst gathering people together and raising awareness.
In this country you don’t for Abbott or Gillard – you vote for a local representative, and whilst we might not be able to change what the Ministers and Shadow Ministers think – we can definitely change the people who’s vote they need to get it done. All we need is numbers!
I do hope you’ll join us on this campaign, it’s going to be a lot of fun.
Let’s see an end to divisive and dishonest politics – sign up below! If you can’t campaign but would like to be kept updated – scroll down to the second form and we’ll keep you updated on events in your area.
Thanks, Anthony and Letters For Ranjini