Sammy J’s Letter

We are completely honoured to share this letter from comedian Sammy J. Sammy J (alongside his trusty friend Randy) have appeared on Good News World, QandA, Your Gen and at various comedy festivals around the world, and his letter for Ranjini is just incredible. 

“January 2013

My daughter was born last year in Australia.
That simple fact allowed her to obtain an Australian passport.
That little blue book tells everyone that she is a citizen of a country,
and that her country cares for her.
When she grows up, she’ll enjoy all the opportunities that Australian
citizenship affords her. If anyone does her wrong, she’ll
have a legal system to assist her. If she ever breaks the law, she’ll
have a chance to defend herself.
In all likelihood, she will never feel the need to flee Australia in
My daughter was born free.
Every child deserves to be.

Sammy J”

(click to enlarge or click here to )

Thanks to Sammy for his interest and support, and if you haven’t already be sure to visit his  - this is my