It astounds me each and every day the efforts that all of you Ranjini supporters go to in fighting for Ranjini and protecting justice and the rule of law in Australia.
As a small way of rewarding and thanking those who have done incredible things in telling Ranjini’s story and supporting our campaign for justice – each month I will be giving The Freedom Award to one outstanding advocate.
Congratulations to Murray Smith from South Australia – winner of the January Freedom Award.
Murray’s work this month has been astounding – to the point where I actually do not have time to count the amount of MP’s he has contacted asking for their position in indefinite detention.
Pretty well every night since we launched The House I have had near constant emails from Murray with the latest list of people he has contacted.
We owe him much more than this – but we are very happy to give him the very first Freedom Award.
Congratulations Murray