The Freedom Award – February

The Freedom Award is my little way of thanking the many, many people who have done amazing things to contribute to seeing an end to Indefinite Detention and the legal black hole that Ranjini faces. 

In February we were asking people to chase their MP for a position on indefinite detention, and we had so many amazing letters to the Government from Ranjini supporters all over Australia. Our February winner of The Freedom Award is someone who didn’t just contact their MP, but actively pursued them for an opinion!

Congratulations to Karen Bruce-Allen from South Golden Beach, NSW – winner of the February Freedom Award.

Karen wrote to her local member, Justine Elliot, 3 times without any response (including one fantastic reply to a mailing list message) before she finally got an offer from Ms. Elliot to take the case to Minister O’Connor. We never thought this would be easy, but if you continue to pursue your member and spread Ranjini’s story, great things can happen.

Congratulations Karen!