How To Get Involved

How to get involved!

1. Find your local member - Click here to search by postcode

2. Find their contact information here

3. Email, Tweet, Facebook or call them to ask for their stance on indefinite detention for refugees held on adverse ASIO assessments.

Feel free to use this template -

Dear (MP’s name).

I, like many other Australians, was touched by the story of Ranjini – the refugee mother of three facing indefinite detention at Villawood Detention Centre.

As you are my local MP, I am interested to know your personal thoughts on indefinite detention and the legal black hole it creates for Ranjini and others on adverse security assessments.

Your voice carries substantial power, and I hope you might speak out against indefinite detention in the hope of inspiring your colleagues to act.

(your name)”

You can see some more example letters here. (please CC if you don’t mind us using your letter as an example)

4. Once you’ve contacted, Email us at  so we can update our list. This way they can see how many of their constituents support Ranjini, and we can see who is trying to dodge the question!

5.  Later, if you hear back from the MP, let us know what they say by emailing