One of my aims in creating The House was to find out who was unprepared to commit to either position on an issue, and on that front we may have a new clubhouse leader.
“Dear Oscar,
Thank you for your email. Please be assured I have carefully noted your comments and have passed your concerns to my colleague, Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Mr Scott Morrison MP.
Regrettably, there is no further course of action Mr Morrison or I can pursue as this matter is presently before the Department of Immigration and Citizenship and the Minister for Immigration, the Hon Brendan O’Connor. If you have not already, I would suggest writing to the Minister to bring your concerns to his attention.
It is the long held practise of government to rely on the advice of ASIO in these matters. Should you have any further queries concerning ASIO, we would suggest contacting the office of the Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus.
Paul Fletcher MP
Federal Member for Bradfield”
This was Oscar’s original letter.
“Dear Paul Fletcher MP.
I, like many other Australians, was touched by the story of Ranjini – the refugee mother of three facing indefinite detention at Villawood Detention Centre.
As you are my local MP, I am interested to know your personal thoughts on indefinite detention and the legal black hole it creates for Ranjini and others on adverse security assessments.
Your voice carries substantial power, and I hope you might speak out against indefinite detention in the hope of inspiring your colleagues to act.
As usual, we’re about helping – if Mr. Fletcher or his office wants to get in touch our details are on the contact page