An Anonymous Letter

Dear Ranjini,

It is difficult to believe the situation in which you and your boys find yourself. From the bottom of my heart, I am sorry that my country thinks the way it is treating you is acceptable for any human being, let alone a recognised refugee. Stay strong – the people of your new country support you and will work towards your release.

Cindy’s Letter

To whom this may concern, I as an Australian citizen cannot believe firstly, that we have a mandatory detention policy and secondly, that a person who is a genuine “fair dinkum” refugee is being held in indefinite detention. I, nor the rest of Australia want such a tragic story attached to our history. Have we not learnt from our past mistakes? Please release Ranjini and take a stand against these blatant crimes against humanity.

Yours Sincerely,
Australian Citizen Cindy

An Anonymous Letter

Dear Ranjini,

I have just heard your story, I am so saddened by the situation you and your children are in. I hope you can continue to stay strong, and that soon the government realises it’s mistake and allows you asylum in Australia. Please remember you have many supporters here in Australia, who will continue to fight for your freedom.

Best wishes, love and light to you and your family

A Letter From Nauru

The below was just posted on Facebook from inside Nauru. It’s tough to read, but its important we’re aware of what the Australian Government is doing in order to ‘protect our borders’. 

Keep in touch on

We heard several times from different authorities that the sending of us is an argument of giving lessons for those who have
intention of coming to Australia through the sea by people smugglers.
Now we are sacrificed of Nauru living in a hot and wild place in a worst situation that gradually move us towards death.

Isn’t our coming here give this message that those who are coming by sea to Australia if they are not sink in sea, will be killed
in Nauru?
Isn’t it far from justice that the painful and sorrowful conditions of our life without providing anything to us is giving lesson for
others, we should be witness of pains, diseases and death.
The World independent news channel, Human Right Commissions and the Communities of Oppressed peoples.
We have been scarified to give lesson to those who comes to Australia by boat.
This is justice?
Transferring of asylum seekers by fraud and force.
This is justice?
Having no option we prefer to die instead of living in Nauru.
We request to PM and MP’s of Australia to save our lives, take us back to Australia and process our cases.
The policy of Nauru and PNG has no advantage for both Asylum seekers and Australian government. So
Please don’t destroy our future and don’t make us crazy.
This policy is destroying well educated and skillful asylum seekers in Nauru.
Today, we got together to announce that we will continue our protest until shifting to Australia and processing our cases.

At last…

Tomorrow the Government will take the first step towards addressing the injustice suffered by Ranjini and others on adverse security assessments. 

Speaking to 7:30 on ABC, Attorney General Nicola Roxon announced that the Government will institute an INDEPENDENT REVIEW PROCESS for refugees like Ranjini. The cases will be reviewed by former Federal Court judge Margaret Stone.

“For the first time, those subject to adverse assessments will be told why they are considered threats in the form of an “unclassified written summary of reasons for the decision to issue an adverse security assessment” and be able to respond.”

It took over 4 months between this site starting and the Government taking this step, thanks for all of your letters and support in this campaign.

Michael Gordon explains it all here

We are concerned that the reviews will be able to be ignored by ASIO, but await tomorrows announcement for more information on these specifics.


Today, in a little room in Canberra.

Today our Government faces a stark choice between the politics of panic and human rights.

While it is true that Friday’s high court ruling was complicated, what happens now is incredibly simple. Minister Bowen and Shadow Minister Morrison will meet and discuss the best response to the ruling – the option of introducing new laws to circumvent the High Court’s ruling and make it legal to keep innocent people in detention forever.

Minister Bowen can make 2 choices – he can choose to work with his Government to urgently pursue a fair and just review process – a process that forms part of the ALP’s party platform – or he can choose to pander to fear in the community and keep innocent people, including Ranjini and her sons, locked up without trial in the name of votes.

Shadow Minister Morrison can also make a choice. He can choose to manufacture panic in the community, or he can choose to put pressure on the Government to legislate FOR human rights.

They would both like for you to believe that this very complicated – it isn’t. There are two stark and simple options, and the path that we take will go on to determine the liberty of hundreds of people in the future.

But it isn’t just about the Ministers.

Every Member will have a vote on the amendments that may be put before them. Every Member of the Parliament will have to make the same choice, we will now find out who in the Parliament believes in justice and human rights, and who is willing for people to die in the name of votes.

This week I urge all of Ranjini’s supporters to contact their local member and ask them to CHOOSE HUMAN RIGHTS and NOT CHANGE THE RULES. 

AG Roxon made this statement, and we ask her to stand by her word and urgently implement a FAIR and JUST review process. Every day that she delays is another day that more than 50 people spend locked up.

“The Government has previously indicated that it would implement a review process for refugees who remain in immigration detention because of an ASA.

The Government is carefully reviewing the reasoning of the High Court to determine the implications of the decision including for the implementation of that review process.”

Don’t delay, don’t choose fear. Human rights matter. Tell your local MP where your vote would go.

Tweet on #Dontchangetherules

Pam and Murray’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

I have only just become aware of your terrible situation and I am so sad that our government has done this to you. I know it is easy to say but please be strong. There are a lot of people supporting you. I hope and pray you will soon be free and can once again start you new life.

Pam and Murray

Sabina’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

Please stay strong as there are many Australian’s who are utterly disgusted at the treatment you and your boys have subjected to. As a mother and grand mother, I cannot imagine what this is doing to you and your boys. The latest High court decision gives hope to you and all the others in your situation. Again stay strong and we will keep up the fight to have you released.

Love Sabina

Paul’s Letter

Hey Ranjini. hang in there sister. I am hoping you and your family will be out soon, looks like it’s gonna happen. my heart goes out to you…… pauly x