A visit to Ranjini

The fantastic   recently visited Ranjini at Villawood. He has posted a fantastic blog which gives an insight into the tragic condition she finds herself in – as well as an emotional account of his time with the young boys. 

Patrick has kindly allowed us to reproduce part of his blog on this site:

“Her younger son is full of energy – he pulled me outside to play hide-and-seek, to build a tent out of the soccer goals, to try and fix his bike’s broken wheels. He is allowed out of the centre to go to a public school, where he is accompanied by a minimum of 3 Serco guards; they can visit parks, and once Clovelly Beach, but only after it’s been investigated and cleared by Serco. For now, though, he is still full of beans; he reminded me of the young boy at my neighbour’s house in Wollongong. But I know that growing up behind barbed wire has to be wearing on his mind. He made me promise to bring him a real tent the next time I visit.”

You can read the full blog on Patrick’s site.

I wanted to share this particular section because of the amazing spirit the boy shows despite being shown none of the justice he deserves. People like this, who are always able to retain their perspective and gratitude, are the kind of people this country needs. We should open our arms.

Thanks again to Patrick for the content, and please –  if you haven’t already – take some time to write your local MP or Minister Bowen or AG Roxon. We’ve heard some promising responses from people who have – they need to know that we will not go away.

They can’t ignore us forever



“It doesn’t matter… I’m already dead”

Ranjini and her sons share their prison at Villawood with Pradeep – a blind, mentally disabled man who also been determined a threat to Australia’s national security.

Pradeep’s psychologist told the 7:30 Report that when asked how he was finding detention – his response was:

“It doesn’t matter… I’m already dead” 

Pradeep and Ranjini continue to face indefinite detention – deemed a threat to national security – despite Ranjini’s children and Pradeep’s inability to see further than 6 inches away. Pradeep’s Doctors say that he is getting sicker in detention, the effect it must be having on Ranjini’s sons is almost unimaginable – How would you feel about your children watching a mentally ill blind man slowly dying in prison.

Click here to view or read Pradeep’s story by Hayden Cooper at the ABC

Pradeep’s brother is also an inmate at Villawood – he spoke to 7:30 last night. His words are in the image below, please feel free to share it on your networks.


Want to take action?

- Write a letter to Pradeep or Ranjini
- Email your Local MP, Immigration Minister Chris Bowen or Attorney General Nicola Roxon
- Join us on and to share the stories

Merrilyn’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

I am very disturbed that you are being held in detention without reason. This is a terrible abuse of your human rights and those of your family. Please remember that we out here in the Australian community are thinking of you and your plight and want the Australian law to change so that no-one can be held without charge and without the opportunity to defend themselves.

Kind regards,

Lynda’s Letter

Dear Rajini,

I’m sorry this has happened you and your family. I was saddened to hear about how unfairly you are being treated. A special hello to the boys. I hope to visit you soon Your are in my thoughts and prayers.

Blessings and love,

An Update on Ranjini

Last night I was made aware of a concerning incident that took place yesterday morning at the Villawood Detention Centre where Ranjini is currently detained.

A fire, which was not noticed due to a non-functioning smoke detector, badly damaged part of the detention centre. Thankfully Ranjini and her children are safe, however, the reports i’m hearing suggest that this is more through good luck than good policy – had the fire started at night, this could have been a very tragic outcome.

Even if we ignore the injustice of detaining a person indefinitely without them having committed a crime, this incident further underscores the fact that Villawood is an entirely inappropriate facility for a Mother and her children.

Please, Minister Bowen and Minister Roxon – use your Ministerial power to release Ranjini and her children – next time they might not be so lucky.


Indefinite Detention: A National Disgrace


The Australian Government currently has the legal right to lock up people on suspicion of being a threat to a national security, without telling them why they have been detained or the right to appeal the decision.

They can keep them in prison forever.

This is not the lucky country or the land of the fair go. It is a national disgrace that embarrasses us on the international stage.

Worst of all: It could be someone you know, a friend, even a family member. Once ASIO decides that they are a risk – there is no review of the decision.

The time is now to stand up for your rights – Email your local MP, Immigration Minister Chris Bowen (and his counterpart Scott Morrison) and Attorney General Nicola Roxon.

Want to find out more? Read this brilliant article by Julian Burnside, or read Ranjini’s Story and see the various links to articles and opinion.

Jenny’s Letter

Dear Ranjini

I am so very sad to hear that you are being detained by our government.
I want you to know that there are many people here who love and support you and your family and welcome you to Australia. Our hope and prayer is that you will soon be free to live your life in this wonderful country.
God bless you and your family

Greg’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

I apologise as a citizen of a country that has destroyed your human rights. Last night I recieved a reply from the office of Nicola Roxon (Attorney General of Australia, our main lawyer and person most aware of what “due process” should mean). The letter in a lot of words (nearly three pages) says basically “There’s nothing we want to do, it’s all in your best interest, please go shopping”. I just want you to know Ranjini that for you and all of the detainees held without due process, I am disgusted. I am overwhelmed with grief. I hope you will be out soon, I will continue writing letters and am organising a protest campaign in Brisbane. Please take care and know that I am thinking of you and your family.

Peace and Love to you,
Greg Rolles

Jacqui’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

I am so saddened by your situation and my prayer and constant hope is that you and your children will soon be freed. It is appalling to think that in a country of supposed freedom such treatment of innocent people can be not only allowed but covered up so that the average citizen is unaware of what is going on. I have written to the Attorney General and have encouraged others to do the same. I pray that they will listen and that you and your family will be able to begin a life of hope rather than such tragic pain. My heart is with you and I long for you and your boys to be free.


Russell’s Letter


ALL my ancestors came to this country as refugees of some sort – including prisoners in the first fleet. This country MUST respect the rights of ALL people who seek refuge here if it is to stand proud in the world. The cowardly, fear mongering politicians on BOTH sides of parliament are a disgrace. Please know that all honourable Australians are saddened and disgusted by the way you and others are treated. It MUST STOP.
