Piragash’s Letter

Hi Ranjini, Congratulations on your son paari’s birth.

We are praying for you and your kids. There is a saying in Tamil “thai piranthal vali pirakkum” May the month of thai bring you the most wanted freedom, peace and joy to you and your family”. Australian government should act upon this issue in a quick and responsible manner.

Wishes and prayers Piragash S. Nathan

Laura’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

I read your story on CNN. I cannot imagine your situation and was heartbroken to hear you gave birth to your baby in detention. I agree with your lawyer that your situation is deplorable. I hope the Australian government expedites the review of your case so your family can be reunited again. Tell your sons they have the strongest Mum in the world. The world is watching and we agree!

I will keep you and your family in my thoughts.


Mireille’s Letter

I will not rest with my prayers for you and your precious baby, dear Ranjini, until you are freed. Your little son deserves to be a free person. You, innocent mother, deserve your freedom back which has been taken from you by force and without any reasoning. Ranjini dear, do not despair. We are all standing behind you, giving you strength and courage. Mireille

Claire’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

Congratulations of the birth of your darling baby boy Paari:) Although it may not feel like it at the moment, you have the support of many Australians, who are sickened at the thought of a baby being born into detention, and sickened that we even have a mandatory detention policy in place. We will not remain silent. In the second verse of our national anthem we sing ‘for those who’ve come across the seas we’ve boundless plains to share.’ One day soon, I hope you will be able to enjoy freedom and raise your children in what can be a beautiful, welcoming and rich country.

I hope that Paari, who is young enough not to understand exactly what is going on, is lighting up your world with joy.

My thoughts are with you and your family xxxx (a kiss for you and each child)

Sammy J’s Letter

We are completely honoured to share this letter from comedian Sammy J. Sammy J (alongside his trusty friend Randy) have appeared on Good News World, QandA, Your Gen and at various comedy festivals around the world, and his letter for Ranjini is just incredible. 

“January 2013

My daughter was born last year in Australia.
That simple fact allowed her to obtain an Australian passport.
That little blue book tells everyone that she is a citizen of a country,
and that her country cares for her.
When she grows up, she’ll enjoy all the opportunities that Australian
citizenship affords her. If anyone does her wrong, she’ll
have a legal system to assist her. If she ever breaks the law, she’ll
have a chance to defend herself.
In all likelihood, she will never feel the need to flee Australia in
My daughter was born free.
Every child deserves to be.

Sammy J”

(click to enlarge or click here to )

Thanks to Sammy for his interest and support, and if you haven’t already be sure to visit his  - this is my

Andrew’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

Congratulations on the birth of baby Paari. Hopefully we, as a nation, can generate enough pressure on the government to change their draconian ‘adverse risk assessment’ laws and you can be reunited with your husband.


Lou’s Letter

Dear Ranjini, Ganesh and cute as a button Partheespan.

Congratulations on the birth of Partheespan. He is adorable. Well done Ranjini big effort. I have also noted that the continual attachment between Partheespan and his father is being interfered with by DIAC. I want you to know Ranjini from one mother to another mother in this very vulnerable time as a woman, that we will work to bring you together as a family and will not stop until we have returned this natural birthright to your little boy. To have both his parents by his side, in uninterrupted, continual attachment. Till then Ranjini hold him close by your side at night and feel the support of those who admire you and welcome you with open arms to this land. He will grow to be another of your beautiful children and your pride and joy.

Ranjini and Ganesh my heart felt congratulations to you both.

Lou Dingle
Attachment therapist/ Refugee advocate.

Thank YOU

I’ve had a lot of people thanking and congratulating me on what we’ve been able to do for Ranjini so far, it means a lot, but I feel compelled to say something this morning. 

Letters For Ranjini is not me.

Letters For Ranjini is the more than 200 people who have sent in letters. It’s the countless people who have shared the story on Facebook or Twitter or just told their friends and family. It’s the people who have sent in photos, cards, artworks and songs. It’s the journalists who were still at midnight last night working to get Ranjini’s story in the papers and on televisions. It’s everyone who supported Born Free. It’s the lawyers and advocates and organisations like the ASRC, ChilOut and Welcome To Australia who have spent years making sure that if the Government tries to win votes through divisiveness and fear, we will give them hell every step of the way.

Most of all, it’s Ranjini and her incredible family who have shown so much strength and courage throughout this whole ordeal and inspire all of us to keep fighting.

Me, I just copy and paste the amazing things you all send in – and it’s bought me so much joy to do it.

Letters For Ranjini is YOURS – Let’s do something incredible.


Exciting News

We are blessed with a boy, Paartheepan (Paari).

4.075kg on 15-01-2013 Tuesday at 8:23PM.

Mum and baby are fine.

Regards, Ranjini and family.

We send our congratulations to Ranjini and her family, along with a promise that we will not rest until this child is free and the family have the liberty they deserve. 


Kirstene’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

My family and I are so very very sorry the country we call home has you locked up. We wish you freedom and strength and love and as normal a family life as possible. Along with many other Australians we are attending vigils and protests and we are spreading the word that asylum seekers need support not persecution. As a mother I feel great joy for you expecting your new baby. As a mother I also feel great shame that this country is not doing its best to nurture all of its children. You are here Ranjini, and you are one of us. We will not stop demanding your freedom. May your spirit of survival live forever.

Love Kirstene Ost and family