Cathy’s Letter

Dear Ranjini

I am so sorry this has happened to you. I feel really embarrassed that my country has acted in this way. Clearly it is totally absurd that two young boys like your sons are any kind of ‘threat’ to anyone, let alone that they need to be locked up in indefinite detention and escorted to school by guards! I know sometimes politics makes people do crazy, absurd things but all I can hope is that the human spirit shines through. I am pregnant too and have an older daughter aged 4. The thought that people just like us could ever be ripped apart as a family and have to watch their kids spend childhood in a prison brings tears to my eyes. I wish you all the best Ranjini and I hope you can be strong and get through this awful period in your life. I look forward to the day this silly law is overturned and you can return to your normal family life.

Lots of love
Cathy xxx