Andy’s Letter

Hi Ranjini,

I feel so sorry for what has happened to you and feel very ashamed that our government has treated you and your family in such a way. I, also am a father of a young boy living in Mill Park so can only say, please stay strong for the sake of your two young boys. I hope this is solved and this sort of thing never happens again.


Ian’s Letter


I am an Aussie who is deeply embarrassed by our government’s appalling treatment of you and your family. Even though I now live in America, I stay informed about your unhappy situation, and like many others, do what I can to exert pressure on those who can truly make a difference to you. Please, don’t lose heart! The day will come (and hopefully soon) when the voices of the thousands of caring Australians will be heard, and you will be able to pick up the pieces and build a secure life in this country with your boys, your new baby and your husband.

With my very best wishes.


Karen’s Letter

Dear Ranjini

Words cannot express the shame I feel at learning how this country has treated you and others in a similar position. I will be doing all I can to make others aware of your plight and to pressure our leaders to address this issue. You are obviously a woman of strength and courage, may your hope endure also. All my best wishes to you and your boys.


Trish’s Letter

Hi Ranjini,

I am absolutely devastated by what I have read about what has happened to you and your family. If ASIO has a case against you why haven’t they released the information! If you (or your ex husband) has done something wrong, you should be told – this is your right! What are they hiding? All people, including refugees, should expect ‘fair’ treatment, from Australia. why the secrecy – ASIO explain your reasons!!

Farzana’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

I was appalled at the treatment you received at the hands of ASIO. I cannot believe that such incidents can happen in what is supposed to be a free and democratic, modern society. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hope the matter is resolved soon.


Annie’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

not sure for what reason our government would decide to do that, hope there has been some mistake, my thoughts are with you and your family.

Love annie

Louise’s Letter

Dear Ranjini and family,

I feel absolutely dreadful that you and your boys are still in Villawood. How can we do this to you? I’ll be thinking of you and hope you find the strength to cope.

Very best wishes

Nata’s Letter

I am so sorry for the hardship that you are suffering. My warmest thoughts are with you and your family. I hope you will be able to get back to ‘normal life’soon.


Jeanette’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

I am so so sorry that you are suffering such injustice. I am thinking of you and your boys and your husband with love and care and trusting that Australians will speak up to help you so that you will soon be free to return to your home and have the joy of your new baby in a safe place.

Love from Jeanette

Catherine’s Letter

Dear Ranjini and family,

I love the way that you painted the sunshine, the landscape and the free birds beyond the gaol. To me that looks like you have a ray of hope that you will soon be out of there. Don’t give up that hope. It may not seem like it but you have a lot of support from Australians and we’ll be marching for you on the weekend.

Very best wishes,