Lawrence’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

Firstly I wish that I could apologise on behalf of the contemptuous Australian Government but I can only wish you and family all the best, This Government is a victim of terrorism, it now has it’s focus on ruling us Australians with anti social methods and the application of a dictatorship. I hope that you continue to hold your head up and that you can prove your worthiness of becoming an Australian but I am sorry that Australia is not the place we used to be proud of, the one that we did not need to apologise to visitors for.

Good luck.

Lucy’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

I am so sorry to hear how badly treated you and your family have been. It’s an appalling miscarriage of justice. I wish you all the strength you can to manage through this difficult time. And I hope this law is overturned as quickly as possible.

Love, Lucy

Asrian’s Letter

Hi Ranjini,

So ashamed that you and your children are in this kafkaesque situation – a denial of natural justice in a country that supposedly supports human rights. I do have confidence that the High Court will set things right. I believe you have much support Australia wide. You and your family will not be forgotten.

Keep your spirits up and I believe you will soon be returning to normal life.

Michelle’s Letter

Hi Ranjini,

I can’t believe that in a country like Australia that this can happen that a pregnant woman and two boys are locked up and you not knowing why. I hope things get sorted soon and that you will find happiness that you so deserve. Look after yourself and your boys. Thinking of you.


Sara’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

I am so sorry that you and your family are caught up in a situation that noone, let alone you and your family, deserve. Please know that you have much support from Australians and that government decisions aren’t reflective of what compassionate, fair minded Australians think. I sincerely hope the situation is resolved quickly so that you can get on with rebuilding your lives.

Love Sara

Lindy’s Letter


I can’t imagine what you are going through. I hope that the boys are doing okay and that all goes well with your pregnancy.


Cathy’s Letter

Dear Ranjini

I am so sorry this has happened to you. I feel really embarrassed that my country has acted in this way. Clearly it is totally absurd that two young boys like your sons are any kind of ‘threat’ to anyone, let alone that they need to be locked up in indefinite detention and escorted to school by guards! I know sometimes politics makes people do crazy, absurd things but all I can hope is that the human spirit shines through. I am pregnant too and have an older daughter aged 4. The thought that people just like us could ever be ripped apart as a family and have to watch their kids spend childhood in a prison brings tears to my eyes. I wish you all the best Ranjini and I hope you can be strong and get through this awful period in your life. I look forward to the day this silly law is overturned and you can return to your normal family life.

Lots of love
Cathy xxx

Anita’s Letter

Hi Ranjini,

I hope that you and your children are being as good as you can be. I remember reading about this situation with ASIO before you were taken into custody, and even when it comes to the way refugees are treated when they reach our shores, indefinitely locked up, even prisoners know how long their sentences are, they know how long they are going to be locked away, but people who are running for their lives and take such risks to try and find a place that is safe do not.

This makes me deeply ashamed, that a country as big, rich, and safe as ours feel they need to treat refugees this way. I truly hope that this situation will change very soon, it has to. I know that there are thousands of people in Australia who feel the same way, I’m living in Cambodia at the moment where human rights abuses happen every day, but this is not what you would expect of a country such as Australia. Im sorry for what you have been through and are still going through and hope that you will soon be released along with those others who are still in detention. When this happens there will be parties parties parties! sorry.

Anita Davis

An Anonymous Letter

Dear Ranjini: I sent a letter to you at Villawood but Serco returned it to me unopened.

I am a Dominican sister and I am ashamed of the treatment you have been given. I promise to pray for you, and your two boys, that soon you will be granted justice. I want to let you know too that there are many people who feel the same as I do.

God bless you Ranjini, with peace, and may you feel our support.