Kiz’s Letter

Dear Ranjini, today, January 26th, is a day when we remember the resilience and courage of Aboriginal Australians, and all the new Australians who faced adversity to come to this wonderful country. Today I am deeply ashamed that you and your children will spend this day in detention. I look forward to my political representatives having the integrity and courage to press for your release. One day soon I believe you will all be free and contributing to our country, as you were before your detention.

Kiz, NSW

Maddie’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

Congratulations on your new baby:) I want to apologise for the way that our government is treating you and your family. There are so many people who support you and your family and your plight for justice. We will not give up! Sending all my love and best wishes, Maddie Magee xxx

Sunali’s Letter


I’m so mortified that my country can allow this to happen. I am thinking of you, I have written to my local member, and I so very much hope that there is a good outcome as soon as possible. Congratulations on your beautiful baby.

Naomi’s Letter

I am so ashamed to be Australian. Our politicians lecture China, Syria, North Korea and even Fiji on the subject of human rights. Whilst they keep Ranjini and other detainees deemed to be a “risk”, they shame the rest of us. The High Court has spoken. Let her and the others go. If Ranjini was a white, lawyer working for the ICJ, our government wold be loudly protesting. A migrant, we can sweep under the carpet. Again I ask with earnestness, please please let Ranjini go. She has enough to worry about being a mother to her children and a wife, settling into a new country. When exactly is she going to find time to be a security risk? Let her go

Rose’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

What a beautiful baby you have! I will pray for your family, that you will soon be released. I am so ashamed that our government can treat human beings in such a heartless way.

Warmest regards,

Jenny’s Letter

Dear Ranjini,

We welcome your beautiful son into Australia. A son born here is shared as a delight as we take hold of each others children as our treasure for this nation. We shall continually uphold your family for guidance and our Government for assistance in revelation and truth.


Helen’s Letter

Dear Ranjini and family,

Congratulations on the birth of your dear little boy, Paartheepan. I read his name means “lighting of the world.” I’m sure he will do that, for his family, and for Australia. Ranjini, I wish you strength, courage and good health! (My name means “light” – so we are linked).

Complete disregard for democracy

I’m not quite sure how to explain this one. How do two elected representatives, one who’s electorate covers the very multicultural area around Springvale in Melbourne, and the other who’s electorate borders that of Ranjini’s own, have such little respect for their constituents. 

Perhaps some would say it is a good thing that two ALP members would share the same views on issues, but we are very concerned about just how similar the views of these two MP’s were.

Click here to read Martin Ferguson’s response ( – ).

The worst part is, after copying each others form letters word for word, neither member actually answered the question – where they stand on indefinite detention. In a democracy, in an election year no less, your constituents are entitled to know where you stand on such an important issue. At the very least, they have the right to you at least reading their letters!

This is lazy, rude and offensive. This is not why you were elected and it certainly won’t see you reinstated at the end of this year.

These are very senior members of the ALP, we hope they will very promptly attempt to contact their constituents to apologise – and ANSWER THE QUESTION.

A note to all of our Parliamentary friends – answer the question or don’t bother – these form letters waste both of our time.

Simon Crean can be reached on  or at his website 
Martin Ferguson can be reached on his website


Courtney’s Letter

This is outrageous. I’ve always been concerned about refugee rights, something which stuns people when they learn I`m a Liberal, but I’ve struggled to understand the high rates of mental illness and attempted suicides. Now I understand, and I feel awful I was so naive before. How can this happen in our country? Here we are so concerned about stopping risky (not, as many think, illegal) boat voyages when the biggest risk lies waiting in Australia! What can we do to help? Ranjini I apologise for the behaviour of my government and I desperately hope things change, very soon.