This is outrageous. I’ve always been concerned about refugee rights, something which stuns people when they learn I`m a Liberal, but I’ve struggled to understand the high rates of mental illness and attempted suicides. Now I understand, and I feel awful I was so naive before. How can this happen in our country? Here we are so concerned about stopping risky (not, as many think, illegal) boat voyages when the biggest risk lies waiting in Australia! What can we do to help? Ranjini I apologise for the behaviour of my government and I desperately hope things change, very soon.
Write a letter, change a life.
Rebecca’s Letter
Dearest Ranjini,
Firstly, a big congratulations to you, Ganesh and the boys on the birth of your beautiful son and brother, Paari! I am so happy that Paari arrived safely, yet I am also so sad as to the circumstances in which he was born into. I am writing to you from London. I am an Australian but I live here with my husband. I have been reading and following your story through the news and different organizations. I am so disappointed and disgusted in the Australian government for separating your family. I couldn’t even imagine what you have been and continue to go through. I want you to know that we are thinking of you and your family. We are sending you, your family and all those in Villawood our love and prayers.
All my love, Rebecca xxx
Jan. ’13
Kate’s Letter
Dear Ranjini,
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy! You must be so proud of your new addition. I imagine your husband and older children must be thrilled. It pains me to think that you are unable to take your children home to care for them, like every other Australian would be able to. I am ashamed of our government and their treatment of you and your family. I am sorry that this has happened, especially at a time when being home is so important. I wish you and your family all the best.
I hope your lovely little boy grows strong, just like his mum and that we see you in our community soon.
From Kate and the Rowan-Robinson Family.
Sophie’s Letter
Hi Ranjini.
How proud you must be of having such a gorgeous little boy. He truly is beautiful! I’m so sorry our government are treating you like this. It’s inhumane, and it’s shameful. I pray the government will realise how cruel they are being to you and your children, and allow you all to be a part of our country and our shared future.
Maureen’s Letter
Dear Ranjini and family
I cannot imagine how you must be feeling but I hope it helps you to know so many of us are so sorry for your treatment. I’m sure the boys’ teachers and school friends would be missing them very much.
Please give them a hug from me and tell them so many people care.
Hazel’s Letter
Dear Ranjini,
Praying for you and your children. I can’t imagine how hard life must be for you. I want to say how sorry I am that you have to put up with this. I have written to my local MP to express my dismay that we are treating you and other people in this way. I hope you can be a little bit encouraged that despite what the ‘system’ says, right-minded people support you.
An Anonymous Letter
I have been a resident of Australia for over 36 years and a citizen for over 33 years. I have been until recently been proud of my adopted country for its liberal views on human rights and immigration. The case of Ranjini and many such detainees disappoints many of us. Partisan politics and disgraceful opportunism of our politicians has reduced our standing in the world. Have our politicians become heartless?
Selvamani’s Letter
Dear Ranjini,
As a 33 year-old Tamil woman myself, who is a mother, I am very sorry to hear about you and your baby’s situation. I hope the birth of your son gives you some joy and a new sense of love. I pray you continue to live as courageously as you are and that the Australian government realizes your freedom soon.
There are a lot of people who are touched by your story, don’t lose hope!
Eve’s Letter
Dear Ranjini,
Congratulations on the birth of little Paartheepan.’Lighting of the world’ is a name which reflects your positive spirit! May his birth be involved in bringing some light to our government and people. I am deeply sad and ashamed to be part of this Australia. Keep positive in spirit – there are many people who have not forgotten you and others in your situation.
Every good wish and love,
Eve Addis
Bala’s Letter
I am really sorry Ranjini and Paari that I can only write this letter to help you. it’s very sad to see 5 or 10 years down the road a Australian Prime Minister is going stand up in the Parliament and apologize to you and other Tamils who are going through what you are going through, when they can do the right thing now. stay strong.