Dear Ranjini,
I do not know you. You do not know me. But I have heard that you have been treated so unfairly by our government, and I am so very sorry that you and your children are being treated like this. I do not know anything that I can do except stand up and tell as many people as possible that this injustice has occurred, and that they too should tell everyone that they know.
We will not be silent.
We will fight for your rights as a human being, and for your children’s rights of being children. We as citizens of the world have NO right to lock up children – ever. Under any circumstances. Certainly not without knowing why!?
Dear Ranjini – please know that we out here know about you – you have not been forgotten. Please know that we are thinking of you and your boys and that we will do whatever is in our power to get you out.
Mandi Whitten