Dear Ranjini,
I have heard of your story and what has happened to you. I was so
outraged to hear it and that your two young boys were in indefinite
detention with you. I am so ashamed of my country’s system that allows
this to happen. I want to express my support for you and your family.
I can’t begin to imagine what you and your children must be going
through – as well as your husband Ganesh. I am so sorry for this and I
want you to know that Australians do not support this system of
locking up people indefinitely.
You sound an amazing person who has already been through so much and
it is so wrong that you should have to go through all this. Please
remember that there are those in Australia who support you, are
thinking about you and want to see you and your family reunited in
freedom as soon as possible. I send all my love and support to you,
your two beautiful boys and your husband. Please never lose hope and
remember that so many people are supporting you and seeking change in
this country.
Warmest regards,
Deborah Dickson.