Thank you for raising this story and continuing the work that many of us are involved in to bring justice to this family. This is a Human rights issue with this action disregarding at least 24 of the 30 articles in the Declaration Of Human Rights (1948) to which australia is a signatory.
We teach in all our tertiary education faculties( that are govenment funded) the importance of this document..however our governement seems to be completely disregarding its importance and indeed its relavence. We also ( as a country) spend vast amounts of money teaching “anti bullying” in our schools…yet Ranjinis small boys are being held in detention and their mother subjected to bullying of the highest order ( no right of apeal, no knowledge of the charges, no course of action).
Please don’t let this case go unnoticed, we must insist the Minister review this case….Ranjini is contributing to our society and enriching its fibre..we can all learn a great deal from these resilient people who have rebuilt their lives after trauma… any other time she would be called a HERO for saving her boys and bringing them to safety. Please sign the petition on at