An Anonymous Letter

Dear All,

Ranjini and her two boys are known to many, she is an amiable and charming person with two lovely boys. When I heard that she was married, I was very happy for her and her boys. I met her at Inverbrackie.

There are another 49 people in her category, who were determined as security risk to Australia. We need to highlight the process ASIO is adopting so the changes brought to ASIO process will also help others like Ranjini. ASIO depends on evidence from “sources” based in Sri Lanka, there are alleged war crimes charges against many, where 40,000 people were killed.

Sri Lanka high commissioner saying they are willing to take them back. Only God knows what will happen them, past record is not complimentary. ASIO cannot depend on such dubious sources for evidence, give Ranjini and others a chance to live in Austaralia and assess them based on local evidence, after all they have been approved as genuine refugees.

I hope PM Julia Gillard hear the people’s voice.