Freddie’s Letter

It is unforgivable what this Government has done to you and your family. It is brutal and unnecessary. It is a grave injustice and breach of your human rights. I deplore the cruelty done to your innocent children. I fear that they will live with the bad memory for the rest of their lives. It is so wrong to take away a child’s innocent childhood, to frighten them so much. It is inhumane to take away your personal liberty without reason or explanation. It is wrong. The law which allows this to be done to a refugee mother and her children is wrong and must be overturned. May every mother and father who fed, and washed and put their children to bed tonight be disturbed by your detention in Villawood and separation from your husband. May they wake up ready to make a protest to the Minister, to their local MP, to their faith leaders, and harness the disgust of all compassionate Australians to call for your release and an end of this persecution.

I totally oppose the action of the elected Government of Australia, and fear that the Opposition which created the harsh, inhumane laws would not behave differently. Please stay strong for the sake of your boys until sanity and decency is restored and you are free to live among us again This is my fervent wish for you and Gansh and your suffering community.

Freddie .